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12:33 a.m. - 2005-11-04
Hi, sorry I was quiet for so long.

There's a lot of stuff I want to post, and will, but first it's time to do something I should have done a long time ago, which is to say thanks to a special person in my life.

Astralounge and myself, as you may know, bought a big 'ol house recently, and we're all domesticated and stuff. However, that extravagant middle class domestication does not come easily. You can't just buy a house and move up in the world. For one thing, the house usually needs cleaning. Also, there may be zombies in that room in the basement that you have to kill and stew, but mostly just the cleaning thing. I'm no slouch at cleaning, and Astralounge can do pretty good on a meth binge, and that would have probably been enough to get by on, but we moved 3 months ago, and we'd still be cleaning if this special person hadn't stepped in and offered her seemingly unquenchable thirst for housework for our benefit, and all we had to do is house her. It's Pollie, aka, Mom XP (long story). My assumed mother-in-law who I wish would hurry up and adopt me.

Pollie journeyed to our house in Georgia all the way from Sacramento just to be our personal slave for a week when we moved back in August. I was looking forward to her visit and would, of course, have appreciated any help she had to offer, but nothing could have prepared me not only for the level of difficulty this move would exert on me, but also for the sheer selflessness exhibited by Astralounge's mama in her efforts to aide us in our first home purchase together.

She cleaned and decorated and unpacked from early morning to late night for a whole week. We told her to slow down. She wouldn't. The house looked really great when she finally wrapped up the frontal assault. We were humbled. We still are.

But, then she went several steps farther and helped us acquire several nice pieces of furniture and other household items which would have taken us forever to save up for otherwise. I am honored to have this woman in my life. Pollie is generous, kind, funny, and strong-willed on every level and in the most enviable ways. To know her is to love her, as they say.

Point is, I was and am still continually thankful for everything you did for us, and however I can repay your generosity, I will. You are awesome.



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